Gone are the days when you used to enter the classroom with a blackboard, chalk, duster, simple brown or black table, and an old fashion chair.
In the early 80’s or 90’s, when you used to enter the school, the building used to be a shabby and typical use of dull color or white color building. Some schools do have a huge playground and sports activity was compulsory even if you get a doctor’s certificate.
Compared to that time now there is a drastic change in the education system. When you enter the classrooms of your child you will find extreme change from the walls to the blackboards.
Blackboards and chalks are replaced by a monitor or whiteboard which is attached to the laptop. Children are smart enough to handle these whiteboards.
The buildings and the walls of the schools are nicely painted with bright colours and each classroom is soundproof in most cases.
Recently the use of digital means has increased to a great extent due to the pandemic.
I still remember the days when we have to seek permission to touch the computers. Now, kids are learning to code and without system, they are “aww….”
But now most of the kids in the world are digital natives, meaning they were born with digital abilities and grew up using technology virtually from the beginning. They are also familiar with the concept of a computer.
Providing access to technology early on is an important strategy for supporting children. The use of computers and tablets can provide a powerful means to help teachers provide learning experiences that are more student-centered, promote problem-solving skills, and deepen students’ understanding of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) concepts and processes (Huneycutt, 2013).
I really didn't know whether we be able to deliver the kind of high-quality science learning we had originally set out to provide. We were incredibly excited to learn that the children were doing well and generating efficient and engaged learning.
Most of the kids in the world are digital natives, meaning they were born with digital abilities and grew up using technology virtually from the beginning. They are also familiar with the concept of a computer. But there are a few pros and cons of digital teaching too.
There are many pros in digital education. Let me share a few with you.
You get recorded lectures if by any chance you miss your class not dileberately.
You can make your content interesting by using graphics and short videos.
You get the online discussion board. If you have any doubts you can quickly clear your doubts and dont have to wait unless tomorrow.
The cons of digital educations are there too. They are :
Technology failing due to glitches.
Honestly lacks as many find the easy way to write the answer paper.
Students don’t use their brains while writing as the spellings get auto-corrected and grammatical error-free.
Students get access to unsafe content if parents are a little careless.
Hence can say that digital means are good to some extent but too much of it can spoil us and our future.